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Forrester Research, in their report “Why Customer Experience? Why Now? (Published: October 4, 2011; Updated: May 10, 2013), refer to customer experience as “The Strategic Imperative Your Company Can’t Afford To Ignore”.

In their Executive Summary, they say:

“We’ve entered the age of the customer — an era where a focus on customers matters more than any other strategic imperative. Companies are waking up to the fact that customers’ perceptions have a profound impact on business metrics ranging from brand equity and customer loyalty to increased revenue and cost savings. But while every executive knows that customers matter, most companies simply don’t approach their interactions with customers in a disciplined way. Lip-service won’t cut it anymore. For businesses to succeed, they need to get serious about the way they define, implement, and manage, the customer experience.”

And, for organisations in the service-sector, such as Financial Services, Telecoms, Travel, Retail, etc., this is undeniably true:

“The only value that a business will ever create is the value that comes from its customers – the ones it has now, and the ones it will have in the future.” [Peppers & Rogers: Return on Customer, 2005]

By applying techniques that originate from Continuous Innovation & Improvement, we bring disciplined improvement-approaches to your interactions with customers – the customer experience – across the breadth of customer operations. We use Continuous Innovation & Improvement, in a systematic and systemic way, to design and drive the actions that improve the customer experience, thereby improving customer value.

As consultants, we don’t believe in “doing it for you” or “doing it to you” – we adopt a collaborative, participative engagement-approach that guides, trains, coaches & facilitates it’s way to building your organisational capability and action. We do this at a pace that suits you and at a budget that delivers results, through measurable ROI and value-for-money.

Our ultimate goal, from a Continuous Improvement & Innovation perspective, is to build capability and capacity, by spreading best practice, throughout your organisation.

Please browse some of our services to get a flavour of how we can do this.