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It is quite common, in today’s resource-stretched, hyper-competitive business, to encounter the mantra of a customer-focused service-model. Throw-aways, like “walk in the customer’s shoes” or “the customer is king”, are ten-a-penny – but they just don’t cut it when it comes to consistently delivering the customer’s expected service experience.

And let’s be honest about it, “keeping your customer satisfied” is a lot of hard work. And that’s why many businesses fail to support that customer-focus philosophy – they look for a quick-fix, a silver bullet, a project that will put everything right and get them on-track. They fail to recognise that customer needs and expectations are constantly evolving and that, therefore, their strategies, tactics and operations must evolve too.

Change-programmes need the focus that continuously targets the customer-experience as the primary success-metric that will deliver superior customer results AND improved business results. Our programmes do just that.

At StratMetrix, improving the customer experience isn’t something that we are just starting to teach; it is an expression of who we are.

From our earliest encounters in customer service, we shaped the deeply-held conviction that the primary responsibility of every service professional is to build value within every prospect and customer relationship. It is the essential purpose of every employee to understand the customer and to help that company or individual to accomplish their distinct objectives. Not only is this what we teach, it is what we eat, sleep and think every single day at StratMetrix.

Putting this approach into practice demands a commitment to deep and transparent insight – of both your operations and of your customers’ needs. That’s why everything that we teach can, and should be, openly embraced with the customer. We never teach or propose anything that doesn’t align with the customer’s and service-provider’s interests – we aren’t working  AGAINST our customers, we are working WITH them. We are only here to help them.

Because we have lived this philosophy, as a service-provider, we are fully prepared to show your people how to execute this strategically and tactically. Not only will you have happier customers, who will more-highly value your services, but you will also have significantly better results that boost overall business performance.

To help you decide if StratMetrix is the best partner for your business, then please read on – and if you have any questions or comments then please let us know – we are always here to help.