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Customer Engagement

Customer Engagement

These days, merely satisfying customers, even by over-delivering on their rational requirements, only represents table-stakes for the more-advanced organisation.

So why waste time surveying your customers, about how satisfied they are with your products and services, when research shows that Customer Engagement – an evaluation of customers’ rational AND emotional commitment – is a far more powerful profit-driver than mere satisfaction.

Does it not make sense to measure Customer Engagement and use it to drive improvement? That’s a no-brainer.

So how can you measure Customer Engagement, using a simple survey, and then exploit the feedback to boost the customer experience?

The Method

Ask your customers to answer 11 questions (see below) which, between them, gauge passion, pride, integrity, confidence and rational foundation. The questions use a five-point scale to measure strength of agreement by scoring 1 for ‘strongly disagree’ and 5 for ‘strongly agree’.

Collate and analyse the data; draw conclusions; make recommendations; map out an action plan that drives people, and process, improvement. Then – and this is the critical part – implement the action plan! Repeat this cycle every 3-6 months and watch customer results climb upwards, in relation to your efforts.

The Results

  • Individually, the answers to these questions will help you identify ways to improve your relationships with specific customers

  • Collectively, the data from all your customers will give you a snapshot of how engaged your clients feel with your business

  • Chronologically, over time, the data will provide a baseline of performance levels for use in future performance comparisons

The Questions

Use a five-point scale to measure strength of agreement by scoring 1 for ‘strongly disagree’ and 5 for ‘strongly agree’. Re-produced from Gallup’s Customer Engagement survey, known as CE11®.

The 11 questions are:

  1. I can’t imagine a world without [Brand].

  2. [Brand] is the perfect [company/service/product] for people like me.

  3. [Brand] always treats me with respect.

  4. I feel proud to be a [Brand] customer.

  5. If a problem arises, I can always count on [Brand] to reach a fair and satisfactory resolution.

  6. [Brand] always treats me fairly.

  7. [Brand] always delivers on what they promise.

  8. [Brand] is a name I can always trust.

  9. Overall, how satisfied are you with [Brand]?

  10. How likely are you to continue to choose/repurchase [Brand]?

  11. How likely are you to recommend [Brand] to a friend/associate?

The Take-Away

Finding the right metric is a tremendous first step in your organisation’s journey towards increasing customer engagement – but measurement without action is meaningless. Asking the right questions is critical for identifying and quantifying the issues, but improvement requires both local-level transactional and enterprise-wide transformational changes. StratMetrix partners with your organisation to understand the measurement results and develop and implement a Customer Engagement strategy designed to directly improve key business outcomes.

Feel free to browse through our information and, whenever you’re ready, let us know how we can help you to improve your customer experience.